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Is CSA right for me? 

There are lots of ways to support the health of your household, your planet, and your local economy by making choices about what you eat and where it is sourced. To help you decide if membership if our Three Season Harvest Adventure is a good fit for you, we've created a (slightly tongue-in-cheek) quiz. 


1. What would you do if you found a bug on your lettuce?:

a. Throw away the entire bag and ask for a refund.

b. Remove it and continue eating.

c. Consult Wikipedia to identify what kind of insect it is, then look for another so I can breed it.


2. What are your clothes washing habits?

a. I always wash and dry everything after wearing it once.

b. I confess to wearing some clothes more than once before I wash them, and I air dry my clothes when I can.

c. I own three pairs of socks, which I wash with my other clothes in a hand-powered table top washing machine.


3. From my perspective, dirt is:

a. Gross. It’s called dirt for a reason!

b. Part of the intricate web of life.

c. A regular part of my diet. I mix it with expeller pressed coconut oil to boost my immune system.


4. What are your lawn care habits?

a. I follow the directions for fertilizer and weed control applications to the letter, and my green grass is the envy of the neighborhood.

b. My yard is slowly being overtaken by clover and dandelions, and I’m trying to decide if I care.

c. I have removed all my grass and planted low maintenance, drought tolerant ground cover that provides food for beneficial insects.


5. If I encounter an unfamiliar vegetable, I will

a. Push it to the back of my fridge until it rots so I can throw it away.

b. Roast it. 

c. Consult Google Images to figure out what kind of vegetable it is, then spend 45 minutes researching recipes that use it.


6. If I’m going on vacation, I expect that you will:

a. Can my tomatoes, dehydrate my garlic, dry and press my flowers, blanch and freeze my kale, and make relish with my zucchini to give to me when I return.

b. Let my friend or coworker pick up my produce for me.

c. Allow me to glean from the edges of your field when I get back.


7. My Instagram posts usually include photos of:

a. The surf and turf house special at my favorite restaurant.

b. Food I’ve made with items from the CSA box.

c. The stacks of dirty dishes I’ve made, since I celebrate the mundane as beautiful.


8. When I go to the farmers market, I usually:

a. Walk around for 30 minutes looking at stands and engaging in small talk with vendors, then buy something to drink and a cookie.

b. Take a list and get all the essentials, plus a bouquet of flowers for fun.

c. Ask if I can barter my foraged mushrooms for duck eggs and rabbit.



For each A answer, give yourself 1 point

For each B answer, give yourself 2 points

For each C answer, give yourself 3 points


If you scored:


8-14 points: May I suggest that you check out the organic section at Whole Foods?

15-23 points: You’re a perfect fit for our CSA. Please tell your friends about us!
24+ points: You would make a great apprentice. Can you start next week?

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