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Fall Work Day

I've been enjoying these warm days, but I know that cold weather is around the corner! There are a bunch of projects I'd like to wrap up before winter, and it would be great to have some more hands to help! Join us for an hour or more on Saturday, November 13 between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Among the things I'm hoping to tackle, depending on how many people are able to come: Harvesting carrots

Gathering winter squash

Hanging plywood in the wash area, then painting it

Planting garlic

Washing sweet potatoes

Planting shrubs and trees for our pollinator garden

Stomping beans (they're finally dry enough, I think!)

It looks like at this point there's a high chance of rain on Friday, which may carry into Saturday. I THINK that most of the projects could carry on, even if it's a bit wet, and we do have some indoor space to work, but if the forecast changes significantly I might need to reschedule. Your RSVP would help me communicate with you in a timely fashion if there are changes.

I'll provide a light lunch, but feel free to bring your own and/or snacks to share. Bring gloves, a shovel and trowel if you have one (I have some), and whatever liquids you need to stay hydrated.

Thanks in advance!

Hopefully you will be a little more helpful than Dandy, our neighbor's deer who occasionally comes to visit!

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